Thursday, April 23, 2009

No... Wire... Hangers!!!

So Bon Don had to get a little Joan Crawford today.
Ok well maybe not this extreme...

But I did have to lay down the law!
See I know that "the style" nowadays is form fitting skinny jeans,
I even like these clothes and think the style is very cute...
See I still know what's "cool" I'm not a total square.
However, I don't think that my teenage daughters need to be showing off the goods with tight jeans and tight blouses.
Now let me clarify...
They CAN wear either one of these articles of clothing...
just not together!

My girls have very shapely figures for being so young and often get mistaken for being older than they are, so to allow them to wear certain "styles" of clothes together is out of the question.

My rule is, if you are going to wear skinny jeans then your top better not be tight, and if your wearing a tight blouse or baby-tee then no skinnys...
you get the point.

Well this morning my daughter Cindyjo was in a hurry to get to school early and finish a project so she threw on clothes and off we went.

I noticed what she was wearing when we were in the car and I told her, "Didn't I tell you not to wear tight on tight?"

Cindyjo said "I didn't even notice,
I just grabbed clothes cause I was in a hurry. I'm sorry"
(which in her defense I did rush her and seen that she just pulled clothes off a hanger)
I told her to call her sister who was still at home and tell her to bring her a T-shirt when she got to school, she called her sister made arrangments and I thought the issue was resolved.
(This is Cindyjo)

Well I got home today and asked Cindyjo,
"Did Joshmo bring you shirt to change into today?"
CindyJo said "No she forgot to bring one"
I said "Really!"
"ok change into the clothes you wore today,
come into my room show Dad what you had on at school"
I heard her little heart skip a beat.

She came back in the room and we told her we didn't want her to
"forget" the clothing rules again,
so we were going to resolve this by eliminating the problem.
Hubby told her to get some scissors
and then take the first snips into her clothes...
We told her to change and bring back the clothes so we could finish the job, you know spilt them up the middle of the pant leg to ensure they would not try to be salvaged...
We even threw in the
"had your sister brought you a shirt, you'd still have your jeans"
(let them fight that one out)
We told her that if this ever happens again "and she forgets about our dress code" bye bye True Religion, R&R & Ed Hardy Jeans!!
(The jeans are hanging in the closet to "remind" her)
*No children were harmed during this dramatization*
She took it like a champ, we ALWAYS follow through on our threats.
She kept giggling to make sure she didn't cry, she really like those pants.
oh well.


gor(jess). said...

lolll. omggg ! thats so funny though . its cute she was willing to even take a picture for you to remember that day forever , thats a great story she can tell her kids when shes older haha.

Himbo said...

Daaaang. Remind me never to piss you off.


Anonymous said...

Bye bye True Religion? I am 43 and that might make me cry. I love those jeans. You are tough, but you do sound fair as well. You stick to your rules. ~Mary

Anonymous said...

I wish someone would do that with my boyfriend's 16 year old daughter. She always has everything on "display". Why do kids need to do that?! Her father tells her to put some damn clothes on, but it doesn't work. Ugh!

Jillian said...

Pooh mama BDon don't play! Well at least she now has that reminder! I think your no tight/tight rule is fair. Now what I want to know is how the convo went to take the pics LOL. "As punishment you are going to have to cut your jeans, hold on let me get the camera so I can blog this" lol..btw daughter is beautiful!

x said...

you're a "tough love" kinda momma. . . I LOVE that. It also makes your recent advice to me (opinion of my actions, whatever) more meaningful and profound. Thank you!!

And I LOVE that you followed through (always follow through) with your threats even more!

Denise said...

WOW! Admittedly, I'd probably never have the balls to actually follow through with that one. Most likely because skinny jeans are WAY to expensive for me to just be snipping through them. I applaud you though... stickin' to ur guns like that! Want 4 more kids? I loan them out occasionally.

Anonymous said...

Damn, thats harsh, but I completely understand where you're coming from. Luckily my parents didnt have to worry about this when I was back in high school cuz I definitely didnt feel comfortable with my body, and I was in sweats most of the time due to athletics. But to this day I dont wear skinny jeans, not my style... But your daughter is gorgeous! Great lesson to learn.

Unknown said...

lol! first of all, adorable! ...secondly, you're right. Tight jeans = loose top. Tight top = loose jeans. It's just better proportions! lol.

Nickie. said...

hehe. well you may be a strict mother, but i can tell your children are very well behaved because of it. =)

Matt said...

Thats right!! Let those teenagers know whos boss!!!

rachaelgking said...

What a good sport, seriously. I was such a little brat, I don't think I would have handled it nearly as well!

Anonymous said...

Good rule - harsh punishment! I'm glad she took it well!

La Pixie said...

OMG, I would have cried!!

wow, no messing with Bon Don. I think we should call you Don Bon Don.

seriously though, good for you. Im pretty sure she wont forget again. sheesh, I wont forget! said...

I LOVE that you follow through. Lola promises to never wear tight on tight lest you chop off her bell.

MzTapz said...

OMG! My heart is bleeding for her. Well maybe more so for her jeans and blouse...OUCH! "Po' lil Tink Tink" .... Dont fuck with Bon Don or BDC!

Kellie said...

Nicely handled! I can't believe you did that! I would have died if I had to cut up a pair of jeans I loved! :)

ChiTown Girl said...

Oh my fucking God!!! I'm am totally scared of you now! Can I send Stud Muffin to live with you guys for the next couple years, just til he turns 18?

Desert Rat said...
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Desert Rat said...

That's better than what you used to make them wear in Elementary or was it Jr. High?, when they would get a bad grade.

I want to say this right here - MEN, MALES, BOYS should NOT wear skinny jeans unless of course they are gay then it is OK.

FAT GIRLS also SHOULD NOT wear SKINNY jeans it does not FLATTER the BELLY! IT DOES NOT FLATTER! and cool clothes are ONLY COOL IF they FLATTER a person!

Just trying to help the world one fashion victim at a time! anyone want to have a debate about either? ;-)

brenda rowe said...

I love it! I too, have a daughter who looks a lot older than she is. She also has a dress code to abide long as she lives in MY house she will not go outside looking like she's 25. Good Job, Bon Don and BDC. I hereby nominate you for Parents of the Year!!!

Aline said...

I love you....if I were into that kind of thing, I would like to have babies with you. Awesome and totally not mommy dearest quality!

Far said...

OMG lol brutal woman but it would def make me think twice!! This is sooo something I would do if i had kids heheh

drollgirl said...

WHOA!!! you guys are hard core!!!

when i was a kid my mom found the flowers in the attic book between my mattresses. SHE BURNED IT. crazy lady.

Anonymous said...

Okay... You are my Hero!!! Totally going to remember this when my little girl gets bigger! This was brillant!

Anonymous said...

That's too funny. It's good that she kept giggling throughout rather than falling apart in tears. You know how teenage girls can get! :)

I bet she doesn't break the rules again!

Cute daughter you have...